I installed and activated the Ticket addon and try to make it work for this recurring event :
“Soleil, Terre, lune” 11am to 12 am
dates : ap 30, may 01, may 02 … may 11
However i can’t see the ticket order form in the event card. Only the RSVP Event form
Website dashboard : http://www.proscience.pf/gestion-site/
Thank you,
Feb 11,2018 AT 3:51AM - 6 years ago -http://www.proscience.pf/gestion-site/
Would you mind sending us the order ID for this addon purchase from myeventon.com, because we do not see this addon as purchased using your email address in our system. Thank you!
Why do you need it ?
As you can the addons is already activated on the website …
Order #17423
There is no option to put a ticket order form on event card. It works only for RSVP. But you can redirect customer to checkout: https://tppr.me/dOmFG.
I remember i managed to do it before.
Where are the visitor suposed to see the ticket sale button ?
It should be on Event Card: https://tppr.me/9JtX7. Have you activated Event Tickets? Here’s an example: http://www.proscience.pf/wp-admin/post.php?post=2291&action=edit
It works now, what did you change ?
1/ Is it possible to set different prices ? for example : children price and adulte price. How can i do that ?
2/ Is it possible to make group prices (ex: 5 places : 1000Xpf). How to do that ?
Thanks for your help,
the above link will show you how to set up variable pricing which would allow kids prices/adult prices etc