Ticket #60926 Public

Event Start Date/End Date Calendar Overlapping

When creating a new event, the calendars on the “Event Start Date” and “Event End Date” overlap and hide the Saturday dates. I would like to make it so these Calendars do no overlap themselves.

BY: Marc Battung - Jan 11,2018 AT 2:31PM - 5 years ago
    • By: Ashish Rai Jan 11,2018 AT 10:29PM - Posted 5 years ago - #60955


      This looks like issue caused by your theme or one of the other plugins you are using.

      Please change to default WP theme temporarily, disable all other plugins and check once.

      Once you find the program causing the issue, please contact the developer and ask them for their help with it.

      Let us know if you need help with anything else.


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