If I have the Revenue Bundle, who gets emails about submitted reviews? The admin or the Organizer? Or optionally both?
Oct 1,2020 AT 12:47PM - 4 years ago -currently reviews are activated individually on each event by wp-admin
I am going to assign this to Ashan to see if there is a way to activate it default for all action user uploaded events as I would like that on my site as well
Ok good to know. In my case, I will have thousands of organizers using the site. As the admin, I don’t need to see any reviews, but the organizer may like to know.
Hey Vinay,
It is possible to change that to actually get the Organizer email for the reviews.
You can send us a customization job request by creating a new ticket in here and selecting Customization Request as the category.
If you look in the settings for reviewer you will see that you can specify multiple email addresses to receive new review notification emails