Time Zone not showing correctly

Hi there, I have posted webinars with teh RSVP plugin. I am on pacific time zone. I have changed every setting I can find in EventOn, and my WordPress settings, to pacific time. I enter in a time for my event and that is the time it shows on the listing. The problem is that when I, and anyone else who looks at it who is in pacific time zone clicks on “View in my time” it shows us a different time. It is super frustrating and I can’t figure out why the time is showing me something different. Please help! We have events happening and the times are all over the place

BY: Leah Coss - Nov 10,2020 AT 3:30PM - 4 years ago
    • Artem Nov 11,2020 AT 3:17AM - Posted 4 years ago - #204969


      EventON uses user’s timezone to convert the time.

      …and anyone else who looks at it who is in pacific time zone clicks on “View in my time” it shows us a different time.

      Could you tell us their timezones?

    • Artem Nov 11,2020 AT 3:19AM - Posted 4 years ago - #204971

      Could you also check if you have the same issue with this event: http://dev2.myeventon.com/events/nov-test/? The difference is that we have EventON 3.0.3 beta on our test server.

    • Leah Coss Nov 11,2020 AT 1:49PM - Posted 4 years ago - #205074

      Thank you so much for your fast reply. I and some of my team are in pacific time and yet it is showing “view in my time” as an hour earlier.

      When I clicked on your link, because I am unsure of when your event actually is, I am not able to determine if it is correct or not so I have sent you a screenshot showing my time on my computer and the time it is showing me on you test event. When I do a search of what 8pm GMT is in pacific time, it says that it is noon my time, but the link you sent me is showing “my time” as 10am.

      The clock on my computer is set to pacific time and displays the correct time for me. My WP settings are also on pacific time, as are both settings in EventOn (the main plugin setting and individual event setting)

      Any ideas on what is going on and how to fix it? Is it somehow not adjusting correctly with daylight savings or something else?

    • Artem Nov 11,2020 AT 2:33PM - Posted 4 years ago - #205086

      Thank you for your messages, I am going to assign this ticket to Ashan and he will be able to take it from here and find you a solution. Please allow some time for him to get back to you, we greatly appreciate your patience and thank you for being a eventon customer! Also please disable any IP blocking on your site if there are any.

    • Ashan Perera Nov 11,2020 AT 3:33PM - Posted 4 years ago - #205108

      Hello Leah, we are aware of this issue and it was caused by day light savings time, which was not programmed correct. and we have resolved this and will be releasing an update to eventON shortly. 

    • Leah Coss Nov 13,2020 AT 1:52PM - Posted 4 years ago - #205619

      Hi there, I have an emergency. You sent me an update for the plugin to get the time zone working, and I think it did the trick, however, we were only just told that now no one can actually rsvp for the event. We just tested it, as we were supposed to have an event tomorrow but were wondering why no one was booking, and see that when they go to rsvp, the registration form doesn’t go away and they get no confirmation email, it doesn’t remain the info or anything

      Please help. This is really starting to effect things for us. We have missed 2 really important deadlines to have these events now and are losing money on Facebook ads.

      Here is the link https://bbknetwork.com/live-webinars/

    • Artem Nov 14,2020 AT 4:13AM - Posted 4 years ago - #205702


      I added the fix from https://helpdesk.ashanjay.com/ticket/my-rsvp-add-on-wont-work-if-you-go-to-the-page-and-click-yes-to-rsvp-the-form-that-pops-up-doesnt-go-away-and-it-doesnt-register-my-rsvp/ so it’s working now:


      Please check and let me know.

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