The Add to calendar function has two links, a general one (ICS) and the Google calendar link. The former shows all details (Excerpt, Link to Event), the Google calendar link is missing everything except the Title.
At least the link should be present, otherwise the customer has no idea where to go.
Jun 15,2022 AT 4:29AM - 2 years ago -Hello,
Thank you for your great suggestion, at the moment it is not supported. However please create a new ticket and select Feature Request as category so others can vote on your idea and get it moved into development faster.
Actually I don’t consider this a feature request. Saving a calender date should always contain what this date is about or where it takes place. And it does that for the ICS date link. So this is much more a bug than a feature request.
The google link is useless right now.
Thank you for your messages, I am going to assign this ticket to Ashan and he will be able to take it from here and find you a solution. Please allow some time for him to get back to you, we greatly appreciate your patience and thank you for being a eventon customer!
I agree. I’m surprised this isn’t available yet. We can not use the plugin unless all of the meeting detail is brought into the user’s Google Calendar.
Hello Ralph thank you very much for bringing this to our attention. Here is the code as of eventON 4.1 version . As you can see location, dates and details are values passed on to the link 🙂
I am not Ralph, but I am happy this got sorted. Thanks Ashan!
We are glad your issue is resolved, if you have any further questions or concerns please create a new ticket.I
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