Change Color of event date

Hi – I’ve been able to figure out how to change most colors but I’m stuck on one thing.

How can I make the date (year, month, day) appear white when the event header is colored?
Here is an example – https://lakelandmom.com/event/ladies-night-downtown-winter-haven/
I’m trying to make it like the event title – it changes color based on the background but not the date.
I use the colored event top for single event pages, but clean white when it is a list of multiple events.

I have tried CSS and looked through all of the style settings and this is the one thing I can’t figure out how to change.

Thank you!

BY: April Mucci - Jul 25,2022 AT 3:10PM - 2 years ago
    • infotainerdave Jul 25,2022 AT 10:47PM - Posted 2 years ago - #283889

      actually in myeventon>>>>settings>>>>event top

      change the 

      Select Default Calendar EventTop Style

      to colorful event top

      and therefore all text turns white and the background color is the color you set for the event

    • April Mucci Jul 26,2022 AT 6:27AM - Posted 2 years ago - #283931

      That doesn’t seem to work, I tried it and the date and year is still gray while the rest of the text is white.

      I’d like to use a colored event top for single event pages, and a clean white event top for any lists of events.When I change the Default Calendar EventTop Style as you suggested it shows colored event top everywhere. Any other ideas?

    • Artem Jul 26,2022 AT 9:17AM - Posted 2 years ago - #283952


      Please go to EventON > Appearance > EventTop Styles > Text under event title (on EventTop. Eg. Time, location etc.).

      If you don’t see any change, EventON > Scripts & Styling > turn off Write styles to header > save settings > turn on Write styles to header.

    • April Mucci Jul 28,2022 AT 11:20AM - Posted 2 years ago - #284229

      Just reporting back, that does not work either.

      EventON > Appearance > EventTop Styles > Text under event title (on EventTop. Eg. Time, location etc.). – I changed this to PURPLE as a test. In those same settings, Colorful EventTop General Text Color is set to WHITE.

      Here are the results:
      –On the main calendar (clean event tops), both the date and all of the text change to Purple.
      –On a single event page (colorful event top) the text under the title is white, but the date remains PURPLE.
      From my test, it appears as though the color of the date is NOT the same setting as the rest of the event top text.

      Is the calendar set up where I can use both clean event tops and colorful event tops on different pages? Or should I pick one and stick with it throughout the website?

    • Artem Jul 28,2022 AT 12:24PM - Posted 2 years ago - #284253

      Could you try going to EventON > Scripts & Styling > disabling Write dynamic styles to header?

    • April Mucci Jul 28,2022 AT 9:27PM - Posted 2 years ago - #284361

      That worked – thank you!! Is that a setting I should leave turned off? I have always used it when I make styling changes (I turn it off and back on) but wondering if it should be the opposite – I turn it on briefly and back off?

    • infotainerdave Jul 29,2022 AT 12:37AM - Posted 2 years ago - #284372

      it depends on your sites cache- basically switching between loading style in the header or not can trigger a cache clear (but then sometimes not all caches clear the styles

      so normally when you make a color change you toggle that option off or on save and see if that works then if it doesn’t toggle again and re save. its weird i know

      so to make it weirder sometimes your styles change if its on and sometimes only when its off- so after a change if you don’t see it on the front end just keep toggling that and saving normally fixes the issue but it does detend on your set up- I’m with siteground who have introduced some caches that I can’t control within wordpress (I have to log into siteground which is a hassle) so we added this toggle back and forth to cater for more websites- sorry a bit annoying sometimes

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