HI. I’m trying to disable the element on class=”evo_end ” but I can’t do it. Is there something in the settings that will make the start date and end date the same font size?
Many thanks
Jul 25,2023 AT 7:31PM - 1 year ago -Just to clarify. I want to disable the superscript element on the end date so all dates are the same size.
Please add this CSS code to EventON > Styles (If you don’t see any change, EventON > Scripts & Styling > turn off Write dynamic styles to header > save settings > turn on Write dynamic styles to header):
.evcal_cblock .evo_end { font-size: 30px } .evcal_cblock .evo_end {margin-top:0}
Thank you Artem. That worked great. The only problem is that the month is still superscript (please see screenshot)
Thank you
try adding this as well
.evcal_cblock .evo_end em.month {
font-size: 11px;
Great, thank you.
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