EventON 4.6 What's new?


Ticket #359023 Public

Loading Issues

the events on my event page are loading terribly slow:
Even with a pagination, please jump off the page because it’s loading far too slow.
Also the Event images are not loading.
Can you tell me, what’s the issue here and what we can do?
Thank you

BY: Alex Starz - Jul 8,2024 AT 4:09AM - 4 hours ago
    • Kenneth Jul 8,2024 AT 7:47AM - Posted 4 hours ago - #359030

      Hi Alex,

      Please follow the tutorial below on how you can make your page load faster


      For the images not showing, Please go to EventON > EventCard > try a different Feature image display style. Try “Feature image display style: Fit entire image, resized box height“.

      Let us know if this works for you

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