The event 31.1.25 is under February, 28.2.25 is in March
When I change the time e.g. in 10.15 – 21.15 h the events are in the correct month.
From 19.45 – 21.15 h (Berlin time) they are in the wrong month.
Shortcode: [add_eventon tiles=”yes” tile_bg=”1″ tile_style=”1″ ]
I deleted 3 affected dates from the repeating event list and created a new event. Now it works, but this is not a smart solution đŸ™‚
To see what I mean please go to november 2025 or see the screenshot.
Thanks for your support, Carmentalis
Could you go to Edit Event and make sure that Event’s Timezone is correct:
It seems that your server’s timezone is Berlin.
oh yes … thanks đŸ™‚