EventON 4.6 What's new?


Ticket #146783 Public

Add tracking code to inscription button

I am setting some google ads, and I am asked to add this code to the inscription button I have on eventon event pages

How can I do that?

BY: Lupe Escoto - Nov 15,2019 AT 5:14AM - 4 years ago
    • By: Ashish Rai Nov 15,2019 AT 7:15AM - Posted 4 years ago - #146835

      Hello Lupe,

      As such option is not available by default, you will need to add them at the code level. You will need to edit the plugin file, locate the button code and add your code.

      Or you could find third-party plugins that allows it to happen, if they exist.

      Unfortunately, we cannot provide support for custom coding, so you can send us a customization job request by creating a new ticket in here and selecting Customization Request as the category.

    • By: Lupe Escoto Nov 15,2019 AT 9:54AM - Posted 4 years ago - #146878

      Here is what I did, maybe it helps someone.

      I changed the inscription field to be multiple lines text field, and then placed the code adding button style, like this:

      <a onclick=”return gtag_report_conversion(‘https://www.example.com/your-link’);” href=”https://www.example.com/your-link” class=”evcal_btn evo_cusmeta_btn”>INSCRIPCIÓN</a>


      It works!

    • By: Basilis Kanonidis Nov 15,2019 AT 1:39PM - Posted 4 years ago - #147010

      Happy you got it short out!

    • By: Lupe Escoto Nov 27,2019 AT 3:23AM - Posted 4 years ago - #150062


      This fix actually doesn’t work. Tracking code disappears from baack end once the event is saved 🙁

    • By: Ashish Rai Nov 27,2019 AT 4:06AM - Posted 4 years ago - #150079

      Thank you for sharing.

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