Ticket #363403 Public

Color of event categories in search filter

My events are classified by categories.
Each category has a color. For example, concerts are in orange, shows in purple, gastronomy in dark red….

In the category search filter, I want the drop-down menu to display the colors of the predefined categories.

In order to allow Internet users to have the legend of the colors.

I already made a request more than 5 months ago, but I got no response.
Thank you for your help.

BY: Mél E. - Aug 31,2024 AT 9:02AM - 13 hours ago
    • infotainerdave Aug 31,2024 AT 9:26AM - Posted 13 hours ago - #363406

      if you made a feature request then if people vote on the idea then we develop it- if no one votes on it then we tend to focus on other things

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