EventON 4.6 What's new?
Im looking for the CSS to control the font size of the event title for my mian calendar.
Mar 18,2024 AT 9:11AM - 5 hours ago -This is the calendar in question.
I already have the following CSS in place;
.ajde_evcal_calendar #evcal_head.calendar_header #evcal_cur, .ajde_evcal_calendar .evcal_month_line p, .ajde_evcal_calendar .evo_footer_nav p.evo_month_title{font-size:30px;}
.evcal_event_title {
text-transform: capitalize !important;
text-transform: capitalize !important;
span.evo_start .month {
text-transform: capitalize !important;
.evcal_evdata_row .evcal_evdata_cell h2, .evcal_evdata_row .evcal_evdata_cell h3,
.evo_metarow_ICS .evcal_evdata_cell p a, .evo_metarow_learnMICS .evcal_col50 .evcal_evdata_cell p a {text-transform:none !important;}
Hi Shannon,
Please add the custom CSS code below;
#evcal_list .eventon_list_event .evoet_cx span.evcal_event_title{
font-size: 18px;
Let us know if this works for you.