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Thank you for purchasing EventON, lets get you validated so you can access our exclusive support for EventON!
Your username on Envato (Codecanyon) If you don't have a username on envato, type a desired username.
License key for any of your EventON softwares You can use your license key for EventON main plugin or any EventON addons. If EventON came with a theme, you are not eligible for our support, please contact your theme developer.
Which EventON product did you purchase? EventON Main PluginEventON Addon(s) OnlyEventON and AddonsEventON came with my themeI did not buy any You will need to purchase at lease one of our products in order to get access to customer only exclusive support.
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Your email address Please use same email address used to purchase EventON softwares.
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Two items:
1. How to Change Ticket Holder Details form person buying the ticket to actual attendee(s)
2. Change language at top of email confirmation: “Just to let you know — we’ve received your order #00000, and it is now being processed:”
EventON Tickets addon cam allow you to sell tickets right in the eventCard and take control of your profits!
Checkout our essentials addon bundle for eventON that comes with 7 of our most popular addons for discounted price!
EventON ActionUser Plus addon can help you to charge your customers for event submissions using its cool level-based submission forms.
Suppota v2025.001 / Product of AJDE