Hi there,
I’ve added a number of eventon lists on my site and the default Calendar EventTop Style setting is ‘clean with left border colors and gaps’. It works for normal lists (see here: https://tomc117.sg-host.com/events-by-type/events-by-speaker/andy-gunilla-glover-itinerary/)
but when I’ve activated tile design it shows up as the colored background version (see here: https://tomc117.sg-host.com/events-by-type/).
Is there a way to get them all to be in the same clean with colored border style? I’ve search everywhere for a specific setting for tile design event top but can’t find it. I googled searched for a short code to change the style of the event top for a specific list. I found references to one but didn’t find anything that worked.
Any help is much appreciated.
Kind regards,
can’t log in as there is some authentication code I need to add
so in myeventon>>>>>settings>>>>shortcodes there is the shortcode generator
see video
I think its a bug but I will need to clarify with Ashan- so I will contact him and assign him to this ticket
ok thank you.
Thank you for your understanding Tom!
This is just an update that we are on top of everything!
Thank you Tom for sharing a detailed video.
I think the case we are looking at is tiles > opening events as lightbox. and that needing to honor the eventtop settings. I will get this resolved for the next update. Much appreciate your patient!
Our SSL expired. should be good now.
I was able to figure out the lightbox to match shortcode value eventtop_style=’0′ with tiles. please apply this patch fix. So with this you will need to add that shortcode value in there as well.
ok so I should change this in the root files of the plugin? So with the next update it should get automatically?
exactly! this code change will be in the next version so you would not have to worry when updating.
Ich möchte die Farbe des Feldes ändern,
https://tomc117.sg-host.com/events-by-type/ doesn’t work for me. Could you send us a link to the event?
It redirects me to https://www.black-hornet-racing.de/register/
Could you check?
versuche bitte nochmal
Please add this CSS code to EventON > Styles (If you don’t see any change, EventON > Scripts & Styling > turn off Write dynamic styles to header > save settings > turn on Write dynamic styles to header):
.evo_metarow_learnM a.evcal_evdata_row.evo_clik_row { background: red !important; }
.evo_metarow_learnM a.evcal_evdata_row.evo_clik_row:hover { background: green !important; }
.evo_metarow_learnM a.evcal_evdata_row.evo_clik_row h3.evo_h3 { color: green !important }
.evo_metarow_learnM a.evcal_evdata_row.evo_clik_row:hover h3.evo_h3 { color: red !important }
They change background color and text color.
hi there, this issue was already resolved a long time ago by Ashan on may 11 2022.
Hello Tom Carroll,
Sorry about this. I was replying to a different customer – Stefan Heller.
Stefan Heller,
Could you create a new ticket?