
How would I get all fonts body size to be changes to the “Medium” font setting. So that all existing body font change to the medium size? Also, can I change the default size in the editor to be the “medium” size font.

On a related issues of font size, how do I get the location and the time on eventcard to be larger?

BY: ryan lutz - Feb 2,2023 AT 2:44AM - 1 year ago
    • ryan lutz Feb 2,2023 AT 2:45AM - Posted 2 years ago - #305288

    • Artem Feb 3,2023 AT 9:01AM - Posted 2 years ago - #305559


      1. Upload medium font to your website (locally or with a plugin). Make sure to name it FontNameMedium. Now go to EventON > Appearance > add it to Secondary Calendar Font family.

      2. Please add this CSS code to EventON > Styles (If you don’t see any change, EventON > Scripts & Styling > turn off Write dynamic styles to header > save settings > turn on Write dynamic styles to header):

      p.evo_location_name {font-size: 20px !important} p.evo_location_address {font-size: 20px !important} .evo_metarow_time.evorow.evcal_evdata_row.evcal_evrow_sm p {font-size: 20px !important}

    • ryan lutz Mar 14,2023 AT 9:32AM - Posted 1 year ago - #310451

      Was trying to fix my site speed using LSCWP, however there is some problem and the patch that  Ashan sent did not resolve this issue.
      So, I have deferred and delayed some JS and CSS files to fix my page load speed.  I suspect this may have caused an issue and Im now receiving errors about font size.

      When I try to correct the specific pages, it seems that ALL the body copy in ALL my event pages have gotten smaller(14px).  Perhaps this is  reverting to the default small font of eventon?

      Im using the arial/helvetica font in eventon, the same used by my theme(i hope).  And Im not concerned about a specific font being used in eventon.  I am concerned with the size being legible so I can maintain lightweight page for speed.

      There are nearly 1000 pages effected.  How would I specify  to make the current font to show in a larger size somewhere in the 16-22 px range??  Where it keeps the formatting uniform as it is now.  I like the way it is locking down the size…. its just too small and getting flagged by google.

      Also, Im assuming the body font is the problem.  The other element on the page with this small of font is the “related events.”

    • ryan lutz Mar 14,2023 AT 9:34AM - Posted 1 year ago - #310453

      Forgot to specify above.  The font size when edited in the backend does not show on the front end on all pages..


    • ryan lutz Mar 14,2023 AT 12:14PM - Posted 1 year ago - #310490


      The 3 specific pages cited by Google search console

    • ryan lutz Mar 15,2023 AT 6:13AM - Posted 1 year ago - #310551

      Sorry, It seems I made a mistake. I had enabled “Remove global style sheets” in Perfmatters plugin which seemingly made all the on page fonts reduce to size small.  So that is resolved and Google is reprocessing my pages once this 14px font was removed.  Which is good, because the # of pages being penalized had grown 5x overnight.

      Most experts say 16px is the minimum size for mobile.  And I think this situation substantiates the small font are against best practices.
      I have entered a feature request for this which I hope will be considered across the board for this awesome plugin.

      How can I prevent body fonts smaller than 14 px from loading across all event pages?  I am still trying to identify how to avoid manually editing  nearly 1000 pages which likely have this small body font…. example
      Also, Ashan tried to get me a patch to prevent the entire body from displaying in the organizer field.  Not only does it look disorganized, it 14px font is used.

      Google allowed me to re submit the pages for processing after I re activated the global style sheet which took the 14px font to around 20px.

      So I think this is in agreement with the common suggestion to ALWAYS make body fonts larger than 16px.

    • Artem Mar 16,2023 AT 2:50PM - Posted 1 year ago - #310816

      Thank you for your messages, I am going to assign this ticket to Ashan and he will be able to take it from here and find you a solution. Please allow some time for him to get back to you, we greatly appreciate your patience and thank you for being a eventon customer! Also please disable any IP blocking on your site if there are any.

      As a temporary solution please try this code:

      .eventon_list_event .evo_metarow_details .eventon_full_description p, .eventon_list_event .evo_metarow_details .eventon_full_description li { font-size: 16px !important; }

    • ryan lutz Mar 16,2023 AT 5:19PM - Posted 1 year ago - #310825

      Thank you!  This solves  the body font issue (I think).  Though the organizer box with the body copy and phone numbers persists

    • ryan lutz Apr 23,2023 AT 4:01PM - Posted 1 year ago - #314121

      I was given the below to add to styles because the font was showing extremely small.  Now Im not able to assign sizes to linked text.

      .eventon_list_event .evo_metarow_details .eventon_full_description p, .eventon_list_event .evo_metarow_details .eventon_full_description li { font-size: 16px !important; }

      Do each of the above correspond to specific design attributes such as the link text? If so can you advise me as to what code section corresponds to?

      Im trying to make hyperlink text larger using the s/m/l/XL options which I presume is part of eventon or gutenberg. And currently, it is locked at one size.

    • Artem May 29,2023 AT 1:22PM - Posted 1 year ago - #316630

      We are sorry for the delay. The code applies to paragraphs <p> and lists <li> HTML tags.

      For links please use

      .eventon_list_event .evo_metarow_details .eventon_full_description a { font-size: 16px !important; }

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