Is there a way to check in attendees at an event on the front end? I have the RSVP Plug in and I want to know who came and who RSVP’d and didnt show..
Jan 24,2021 AT 5:58PM - 3 years ago -
this addon allows you to do it from the front end
You can also submit events from the front end and allow other people to submit and run their own events
Am I able to create tickets from there?
If someone shows up and didnt RSVP can I generate a ticket/rsvp for that person?
if you are using the rsvp option and they show up you could very easily open up on your phone and rsvp them into the event
I’m sorry but I do not see where I can create rsvp on the action user.. I can see RSVP list but I cannot create an RSVP..
If they turn up on the day either create it on the event itself- as in go to the event and click RSVP and get them to fill it out on your phone or
You can also do tickets and rsvp from the backened
see video below on adding rsvp’s and tickets yourself
Thank you I misunderstood.. I thought I could create from the front-end..
Other than doing it on the event itself which would be from the front end – you would have to do it on the backened- – its super easy to do it from the front end- go to the event and hit rsvp and put their name in
I have an event where users have RSVP’s.. But it does not show where I can check them in..
please provide a direct link to the event
That is odd behaviour
Thank you for your messages, I am going to assign this ticket to Ashan and he will be able to take it from here and find you a solution. Please allow some time for him to get back to you, we greatly appreciate your patience and thank you for being a eventon customer!
while you wait for ashan
Could you please try the instructions mentioned in this documentation to make sure your issue is indeed coming from eventon.
I just rsvp’d to this event
and now it is showing my RSVP
How did you RSVP for the event in the past?- was it from the backend or front end?
Yes it’s working now..
Just an FYI.. If the event is reoccurring, then the RSVP check-in DOES NOT work on Action User..
Is there a way to have the events listed by date?
Through the code customization only. Please go to eventon-action-user/templates/event_manager.php and check evoau_manager_print_events action.
You should also get the right function by going to eventon-action-user/includes/class-event_manager.php and looking for get_user_events.
You can send us a customization job request by creating a new ticket in here and selecting Customization Request as the category.
Christopher, thanks for letting us know of the features. I will see if I can add creating an RSVP for a showing up guests from actionUser. Will also check if repeating event RSVP works. There was a checkin issues I fixed for next version.
Is there a way to show all events to all admins?
Hey Christopher,
Yea that could be possible
You can send us a customization job request by creating a new ticket in here and selecting Customization Request as the category.
hi christopher just wanted to let you know latest version of rsvp actionuser addon checking in guests in event manager and creating new rsvps on the spot.