Ticket #261804 Public

Hello, since fullcal 2.0.x you are not trigerring anything after populating the calendar could you to trigger anything so developers like me

Since fullcal 2.0.x you are not trigerring anything injquery after populating the calendar.
Could you to trigger anything so developers like me can grab this trigger and do things custom 🙂

Or just add the possibility to add picture of the event in the fullcal days like I did here (with trigger in jquery)
I’m copying the event list behind the calendar and move it to the right box but since 2.0.x I can’t do this anymore. So I had to downgrade to v1.


BY: Louis Raes - Dec 6,2021 AT 7:36AM - 2 years ago
    • By: Artem Dec 7,2021 AT 4:55AM - Posted 2 years ago - #261956


      Thank you for your messages, I am going to assign this ticket to Ashan and he will be able to take it from here and answer you. Please allow some time for him to get back to you, we greatly appreciate your patience and thank you for being a eventon customer!

    • By: Louis Raes Dec 7,2021 AT 5:57AM - Posted 2 years ago - #261969


    • By: Ashan Perera Dec 7,2021 AT 5:43PM - Posted 2 years ago - #262074

      Holy crap man you have done some amazing customization to fullCal great job!!

      So ince version 2.0 we added loading calendar using without ajax. So things changed a bit. I will add a trigger to run after populate_grid_boxes_with_events is run. in the next version update thanks mate!!

      and keep on customizing eventON !!!

    • By: Louis Raes Dec 8,2021 AT 4:09AM - Posted 2 years ago - #262126


      Thanks for your kind words 🙂

      I have another request that changes since 2.0.x, could you reput the “ri” in “span i class” in the calendar ?

      It was way easier in 1.x version since the class was <i class=”1258_0″> (eventid_ri) so I can match the right event without having to count elements etc :p

      Thanks a lot !



    • By: Louis Raes Dec 8,2021 AT 4:42AM - Posted 2 years ago - #262132

      BTW a better solution for me would be to allow the featured image in the fullcal ;p


    • By: Basilis Kanonidis Dec 10,2021 AT 8:56AM - Posted 2 years ago - #262480

      Hey Louis,

      This is a really good proposal, thank you for it

    • By: Ashan Perera Dec 13,2021 AT 5:49PM - Posted 2 years ago - #262773

      thank you Louise as @basilis mentioned we will make the adjustments. And I will also make the featured images in grid design — inspired by your work 🙂 Would you have any interest in working with us 🙂

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