Ticket #365382 Public

I have multiple sites (4) I am wondering if it's possible to mirror events on another site so I only have to update one list?

I have a network of 4 sites.
I would like to be able to update my events on one of my site and then mirror that list to my other 3 sites.
Is that possible?

BY: dannnymac - Sep 26,2024 AT 10:51AM - 9 hours ago
    • infotainerdave Sep 26,2024 AT 11:13AM - Posted 11 hours ago - #365390

      not via any eventon plugins

      however a brainstorm:

      1: If you had a google calendar and you added events to that

      and then on each website it would pull the data from the google calendar to your individual websites

      using something like this https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-event-aggregator/    or our addon https://www.myeventon.com/addons/ics-importer/

      2: if you had a wordpress plugin that could automatically send events to google cal
      then you could add events to your host wordpress site- which then send to google cal and you would use option 1 above to send from google cal to your other sites

    • dannnymac Sep 26,2024 AT 12:43PM - Posted 9 hours ago - #365433

      So right after I asked this question I actually saw this on the event-on site:


      Would that not do what I’m asking for actually? I thought I might have found my solution unless I’m misunderstanding what the add-on does?

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