I came across this issue while setting up EventOn, which is that the iCal/Google Calendar export options do not function properly in conjunction with Daylight Savings Time.
My WordPress General -> Settings is set up properly to accomodate for Daylight Savings Time (set to my current city, so WP tracks Daylight Savings itself).
The problem I am facing is as follows:
1) Any single (non-recurring) event set for this summer that has the “This event is effected by day light savings time” setting activated get off-set by an additional hour (i.e. if it starts at 7:00 & ends at 9:30, exporting to gCal will show the event start at 8:00 and end at 10:30). This is easily fixed by deselecting the “This event is effected by day light savings time” setting. However, this is not the case for recurring events.
2) Any recurring event that continues from Daylight Savings Time to Standard Time that has the “This event is effected by day light savings time” setting activated shows the correct time for each event during the summer daylight months (i.e. before November 3rd), but offsets each event by -1 hour (7pm -> 6pm) during the winter standard months (Nov – March). If the “This event is effected by day light savings time” setting is de-activated, it shows the wrong time during the Daylight Savings time months (offset by +1), and the right time during the Standard Time months.
– When I’ve tried to adjust the WP Time zone from my city to the UTC time (i.e. MST = UTC -7), the problem only gets worse – any event set to “This event is effected by day light savings time” gets pushed forward 2 hours (7pm -> 9pm) during the summer daylight savings months, and gets pushed forward 1 hour (7pm->8pm) during the winter standard time months. Any event that has the “This event is effected by day light savings time” de-selected shows the correct time during the winter standard months, but pushes any event during the summer daylight months forward by one hour (7pm->8pm).
– If I adjust the WP Time zone to reflect our current Daylight Savings time (UTC -6), the problem remains consistent – any event set to “This event is effected by day light savings time” gets pushed forward 1 hour (7pm -> 8pm) during the summer daylight months, but shows the correct time during the winter standard months. If “this event is effected by day light savings time” is deselected, any event during the summer daylight months shows up as correct in gCal, but any event in the winter standard months gets pushed back 1 hour (7pm -> 6pm).
Between each test I have cleared the website cache & refreshed the events page. This issue also extends into the .ICS full calendar download.
Until this issue is resolved, I am going to have to disable the “Add to your Calendar” feature; but I hope that there will be an effective solution for handling daylight savings time with recurring events ASIDE from having to create separate recurring events for things during Daylight Savings time & things during Standard Time.
Any help you can offer in this matter is appreciated,
Jun 21,2019 AT 10:53AM - 3 years ago -Update –
After some work, I found a work-around for the gCal “Add To Your Calendar” issue – if I split up any recurring events in two (keeping one with all the events during Daylight Savings and one with all the events during Standard Time), and turn on the “This event is effected by day light savings time” for both events, the problem gets resolved for gCal.
However, the problem only gets worse for ical exports – when an ical is downloaded from EventOn & then uploaded into Google Calendar, the problem returns (i.e. events during Standard Time get marked one hour earlier; 7pm -> 6pm). To make matters worse, the events get labelled as “(GMT+00:00) Coordinated Universal Time”; and if you try to change the time zone to the correct zone (MST), the events time shifts from 7pm – 1am.
Overview of the problem:
Sorry for the delay. Thank you very much for the full description of your test.
1. Thank you for your messages, I am going to assign this ticket to Ashan and he will be able to take it from here and find you a solution. Please allow some time for him to get back to you, we greatly appreciate your patience and thank you for being a eventon customer! Also please disable any IP blocking on your site if there are any.
2. Shouldn’t Google Calendar check the time and adjust it correctly when importing events? We are exporting events in UTC0 so Google can decide. Please check https://support.google.com/calendar/answer/37064?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en > Daylight savings time.
Thanks for the reply; sorry I’m getting back to you so late.
With the settings I listed above, I can export events from an individual event to gCal or in the iCal format, however when I export the full calendar via iCal, the times still get messed up for any event occuring during Daylight Savings time. Looking at the UTC0 times, it appears like all events (regardless of whether they occur during daylight savings time or not) are exported using the exact same time (i.e. all events running from 7-9:30 mountain time are listed as UTC0 1:00am-3:30am); which runs into issues during Daylight Savings time due to Google Calendar automatically adjusting for the time change.
For example, an event on November 1st (MST) starting at 7:00pm-9:30pm will be listed as UCT0 1:00am-3:30am – which Google automatically adjusts (-6:00) to reflect the accurate 7:00-9:30pm time. However an event on November 8th (MDT) starting at 7:00-9:30pm will be listed as UCT0 1:00am-3:30am – which Google also automatically adjusts (-7:00 due to time change) to reflect an inaccurate 6:00-8:30pm. This only appears to occur when exporting the full Calendar via iCal, and occurs in other calendar applications as well.
I have also noticed that Google Calendar cannot import CSV events exported from Eventon, although this is less of an issue for me as CSV doesn’t offer full features I require.
We do have a similat ticket and we do wait our CEO to review, so allow him some time please.
I know your CEO is reviewing this issue, but I wanted to put out one further update on how the issue has developed. Currently, I am able to export single events during both MDT and MST, and they will show up in Google Calendar correctly; however when I try to export all events, any event set for a start date after MDT ends (on November 3rd) has a start and end time one-hour earlier than it is set on in your application. This happens regardless of if the option “This event is affected by Daylight Savings Time” is checked or not.
As a further note, when a single event is exported from the Calendar that has a start date after MDT ends, and the “This event is affected by Daylight Savings Time” is not selected; the event will import into Google Calendar as if it starts and ends one hour earlier than set on the site – this is remedied easily by toggling the “Daylight Savings Time” option on the event. Unfortunately, this does not work for the full calendar export
Thank you for the extra feedback, much appreciated
Was there a fix for this in an update or if not a workaround? I’m having the same issues.
No – no fix was ever issued for this; the full export of the calendar still won’t work properly altho with some work you can make the individual event exports work properly (by setting some events to “affected by daylight savings” and some not) – it takes a lot of work to do though.
Hey Darien,
We would go through this, still we are working to make it work flowless every time.