Ticket #369147 Public

Possible Bug in ICS Importer Plugin – Event Time Not Updating on Frontend


I believe I’ve encountered a bug in the ICS Importer plugin. When I manually import events using an ICS file, if the events already exist in the database but their start/end times have been modified, the updated times are not displayed correctly on the frontend after import. Instead, the frontend continues to show the previous times from before the import.

The only way to make the correct times appear on the frontend is to manually update each event. Interestingly, in the edit mode, the date and time are displayed correctly after import; however, this change does not reflect on the live site until an update is performed.

I have tested this thoroughly in a staging environment with no caching plugins active. I would appreciate it if you could test this scenario on your end as well to confirm the issue. You should see that even though the database and edit mode show the correct time, the frontend does not update without a manual event update.

I tested with the latest version of EventON and the latest version of the ICS Importer plugin.

Best regards,

BY: Patulea Daniel - Nov 4,2024 AT 1:56PM - 3 hours ago
    • Artem Nov 4,2024 AT 3:07PM - Posted 3 hours ago - #369186


      Please send us wp-admin access to your site as a private message for us to further assist your situation.

      I tried updating events using ICS Import add-on and it updated events correctly.

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