ticket system on backend

Hi, my client offers events. Due to covid it is not possible to let the clients pick their seats. I am looking for a ticket system only on backend. My client gets a ticket request and checks if there are seats available. If so she books those seats and sends a confirmation and a ticket purchase button back.

Can I do this with eventon ticket system and do I get help to set this up? Do I need custcom work too?

Thank you.
Best regards

BY: millionhope - Feb 15,2021 AT 2:57AM - 3 years ago
    • Artem Feb 15,2021 AT 3:39AM - Posted 3 years ago - #221467


      It seems that you can create two events: one with seats (for your admin) and the other one is a regular tickets event. Customer purchases the ticket from the second one, then your admin selects the seat, uses customer’s email during Woo’s checkout and they receive a notification email with their ticket and seat number.

      Try Tickets https://www.myeventon.com/addons/event-tickets/ and Seats https://www.myeventon.com/addons/seats/ add-ons on http://dev.myeventon.com/wp-admin/.

    • millionhope Feb 15,2021 AT 6:29AM - Posted 3 years ago - #221504


      thanks for your quick answer.

      I checked the addon seats. If I understand that correctly it is possible to show the seats module only on backend?

      How can my client book or reserver more than one seat?


    • millionhope Feb 15,2021 AT 6:40AM - Posted 3 years ago - #221506

      An I played around  in the developing system, but I cannot see my created event.

    • millionhope Feb 15,2021 AT 6:45AM - Posted 3 years ago - #221507

      How much is it if you walk me around? Maybe it is better weyou do that together. Figureing out by myself will probably take too long.

    • Artem Feb 15,2021 AT 11:15AM - Posted 3 years ago - #221558

      How can my client book or reserver more than one seat?

      They can buy more than one ticket, so admin can select multiple seats.

      If I understand that correctly it is possible to show the seats module only on backend?

      You can protect Seats event with password:

      Please follow this guide: https://docs.myeventon.com/documentations/set-event-tickets/

      And also this one https://docs.myeventon.com/documentations/set-seat-layout-map-admin-side/

      Example event with tickets, https://dev.myeventon.com/events/tickets/. There was an issue with Permalinks on dev site but it should work now.

    • millionhope Feb 16,2021 AT 12:00AM - Posted 3 years ago - #221620

      Hi, I carefully checked you links and your idea of setting up this kind of ticket system.

      I think managing two identical events (one hidden though) by my client is not an option. Too confusing.

      But an other idea comes into my mind. What if someone reserves/inquire tickets? as all tickes are the same price. This inquirey creates an email, and than my client (manager of tickets) confirms the seats which she picks at the seating plan (only visible on backend). -> Than sends a purchasing button.

      How about that? My question here: is it possible to have

      1. inquirey button
      2. seating module only on backend
      3. ticket selling only via sending a final email.

      BTW: people consume a meal during event, so often they reserve more than one ticket. They want to be seated on one dinner table.

    • Artem Feb 16,2021 AT 3:28AM - Posted 3 years ago - #221636

      Maybe the best solution is to use a reservation form: https://wpforms.com/how-to-create-a-client-booking-form-in-wordpress/

      …than my client (manager of tickets) confirms the seats which she picks at the seating plan…

      Could you tell us why customers cannot select where they want to seat by themselves and then just pay for it? Admins can do this by using “Password protected” functionality. The problem is that WooCommerce doesn’t allow you to “Than sends a purchasing button.” since users can just remove everything from the cart and so on. By default, customers just select a ticket or product and then purchase it through the checkout process.

    • Artem Feb 16,2021 AT 6:31AM - Posted 3 years ago - #221665

      Thank you for the explanation.

      You could use RSVP add-on https://www.myeventon.com/addons/rsvp-events/ for 1. But again the problem is in “and an purchase button”. Could you contact WooCommerce themselves https://woocommerce.com/contact-us/ and ask if you can send a purchase button with a predefined order for users to buy?

    • Artem Feb 16,2021 AT 1:58PM - Posted 3 years ago - #221752

      Hey Carmen,


      I think it is achievable what u describe yes

    • Artem Feb 17,2021 AT 2:48AM - Posted 3 years ago - #221847

      Hi Carmen,


      You can send us a customization job request by creating a new ticket in here and selecting Customization Request as the category.

    • Kenneth Feb 17,2021 AT 3:53AM - Posted 3 years ago - #221884

      Hi Carmen,

      You will have to send the Customization Request first so that the person who picks up the job can give you an estimate of the cost.

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