Hi there,
I’m configuring ticket_confirmation_email.php as the template for the ticket E-Mail.
Please can help me: Whre can I configure the fint size of the additional ticket information?
Is it like 005, 006…? I don’t find the right…
Thank you!
Please follow this guide: https://docs.myeventon.com/documentations/customize-ticket-email-template/
Go to ticket_confirmation_email.php and find lines starting from 196. Now add font-size similar way:
Try adding it after every $styles[‘pb5’];?>.
Could you try going to eventon-tickets/includes/class-integration-virtualevents.php:267-268 and add font-size similar way?
have I also copy this file into another folder then?
Please can you helb me by making an extract of the code which I can paste and copy?
Thank you a lot!
Please follow this guide on how to extend Actions and Filters: https://docs.myeventon.com/documentations/use-actions-filters/