Ticket #311190 Public

Time Display one day off

The online event start date differs by 24 hours (longer) than the countdown start date.. how can we fix this or change this.

BY: Max Rossberg - Mar 21,2023 AT 5:35AM - 8 months ago
    • By: Max Rossberg Mar 21,2023 AT 6:08AM - Posted 8 months ago - #311192

      Here is the example.. the countdown shows 19 hours.. the virtual event count down shows 1D 19hr. The event start tomorrow at 10 am


    • By: Artem Mar 21,2023 AT 8:07AM - Posted 8 months ago - #311212


      Enabling EventON > Time Settings > Use UTC offset time globally on calendars solved the issue. Could you check and let me know?

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