When Removing an RSVP it is not removed from the RSVP Manager page

We are experiencing an issue with the RSVP Manager. When a user RSVP’s to an event it is added to their RSVP Manager page but when they change their RSVP to say they are not going, the event stays on their RSVP Manager page. It would make sense that if they change their RSVP and are no longer attending that it would be removed from RSVP Manager. Is this a setting I missed somewhere to make this happen?

BY: Brandon Buchanan - Oct 24,2020 AT 7:16AM - 4 years ago
    • Artem Oct 24,2020 AT 9:18AM - Posted 4 years ago - #201894


      Everything seems to be correct. Even if users change their RSVP to NO they still must stay registered for the statistics:

    • Brandon Buchanan Oct 24,2020 AT 12:21PM - Posted 4 years ago - #201917

      Is there a way we can remove the event from the RSVP Manager page if I change my RSVP to no?

    • infotainerdave Oct 24,2020 AT 11:30PM - Posted 4 years ago - #201949

      So the event manager set to only show Yes events

      Thank you for your great suggestion, at the moment it is not supported. However please create a new ticket and select Feature Request as category so others can vote on your idea and get it moved into development faster.

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