Ticket #260446 Public

When the end of the month comes, the events of the following month are not displayed. Is it possible to show the events of the next 15 days

When the end of the month comes, the events of the following month are not displayed. Is it possible to show the events of the next 15 days regardless of the month?

BY: Ángel Moraga - Nov 23,2021 AT 1:04AM - 2 years ago
    • By: Artem Nov 23,2021 AT 5:39AM - Posted 2 years ago - #260471


      You need to use Event Lists: Ext add-on


      Try on https://dev.myeventon.com/wp-admin/:

      [add_eventon_el number_of_months=”12″ event_count_list=”yes” event_count=”15″ hide_empty_months=”yes”]

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