the button to create a zoom meeting is not present when creating an event. i have activated the zoom api and all plugins are up to date.
thanks for your help!
Sep 28,2020 AT 8:34AM - 4 years ago -Hello,
Please check this screenshot from my side:
As you can see CREATE ZOOM MEETING is available.
Could you send us similar screenshot?
for some reason i can’t upload the screen shot. but i figured out how to fix the problem:
when i turn on virtual event, Zoom is automatically selected and does not display the create zoom meeting button. if i change to another virtual platform in the dropdown menu and then re-select Zoom, it appears.
Hi Rian,
Do you have any Cache plugin or enabled REDIS / Memcache?
not that i’m aware of
I see whats happening I will make the necessary changes in the next version to eventON to show create zoom button on default for the new event create page 🙂