Ticket #325419 Public [Closed]

Countdown timers do not display times

Countdown timer is activated, unfortunately no times are shown to me

BY: Stefan Heller - Sep 8,2023 AT 4:44AM - 2 months ago
    • By: Artem Sep 8,2023 AT 6:32AM - Posted 2 months ago - #325432


      Your theme also has js countdown file with scripts that affects EventON:

      Thank you for your messages, I am going to assign this ticket to Ashan and he will be able to take it from here and find you a solution. Please allow some time for him to get back to you, we greatly appreciate your patience and thank you for being a eventon customer! Also please disable any IP blocking on your site if there are any.

    • By: Stefan Heller Sep 8,2023 AT 8:48AM - Posted 2 months ago - #325446

      danke für ihre Mühe.

    • By: Ashan Perera Sep 8,2023 AT 12:36PM - Posted 2 months ago - #325498

      I see whats going on. It seems like the countdown script you have on your website is interfering with the countdown function for the eventON. We rely on this to calculate count down timer for eventON and I am not sure if we can do anything about this. Since its conflicting with an outside script. 

      Is it possible to disable the countdown script on your website?

    • By: Stefan Heller Sep 8,2023 AT 1:56PM - Posted 2 months ago - #325506

      der Countdown-Skript ist jetzt deaktiviert !

    • By: Stefan Heller Sep 9,2023 AT 11:52AM - Posted 2 months ago - #325536

      Danke für Ihre Mühe die Seite, wo das Problem liegt, Heist jetzt https://www.black-hornet-racing.de/start/
      da wird der Eventon Kalender Aufgelistet.

    • By: Artem Sep 11,2023 AT 3:13PM - Posted 2 months ago - #325843

      I still can see the issue, but now on https://www.black-hornet-racing.de/start/

      Is it possible to disable the countdown script that is coming from your theme completely on the whole website?

    • By: Stefan Heller Sep 11,2023 AT 8:57PM - Posted 2 months ago - #325865

      das Thema  ist jetzt Deaktiviert !

    • By: Artem Sep 12,2023 AT 2:14AM - Posted 2 months ago - #325899

      With the disabled theme the issue is gone:


      The only solution is to remove jquery.countdown.js file from loading from the theme.

    • By: Stefan Heller Sep 12,2023 AT 12:44PM - Posted 2 months ago - #326045

      danke ich habe die jquery.countdown.js gelöscht, nur jetzt werden mir die Zeiten alle gleich angezeig !

      was mache ich falsch.

      vielen Dank für ihr Mühe.

    • By: Artem Sep 13,2023 AT 2:53AM - Posted 2 months ago - #326129

      Thank you for your messages, I am going to assign this ticket to Ashan and he will be able to take it from here and find you a solution. Please allow some time for him to get back to you, we greatly appreciate your patience and thank you for being a eventon customer! Also please disable any IP blocking on your site if there are any.

    • By: Artem Sep 13,2023 AT 2:56AM - Posted 2 months ago - #326135

      Please also send us FTP access to your site as a private message, so we can perform several tests from our end and resolve your issue fast!

    • By: Ashan Perera Sep 15,2023 AT 10:41AM - Posted 2 months ago - #326760

      I just created a test page on your website and the timers seems to be working just fine.

    • By: Ashan Perera Sep 15,2023 AT 10:41AM - Posted 2 months ago - #326762

      test page link: https://www.black-hornet-racing.de/evo-test/

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